With their trademark insight, humor, and candid personal perspectives, Bill and Pam Farrel reveal the truths about the sexual relationship in marriage and what husbands and wives need to know to keep the embers burning.

Talk About It

In what ways can you see how the waffles and spaghetti analogy happens in our marriage?

Marriage changes every 7 years so we get to redesign our relationship and our sex life. If we could more intentionally “design our sex life,” what would you add to the design?

What is one small change we can make to feel more connected outside the bedroom so we’re laying a firm foundation for our sexual intimacy?

Think About It 

What are some of the thoughts in my head about sex that aren’t helping me? How do I need to change my thinking?

What are some of the thoughts in my head about my spouse that aren’t helping me? How do I need to align my thinking with what God says about my spouse?

Notes and Quotes

Sex is designed to be a relational decision between a husband and a wife.

The sexiest thing we can ever do is maintain a curious mindset about our spouse.

When she knows he cares about what she thinks, that’s alluring to her.

What’s OK in Sex = YES:
Yielded to one another
Extended in Love
Secure with Privacy (no one else, no porn, etc)

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