Love perseveres. It sticks. It hangs on. This is where “for better or for worse” really gets lived out. In this Double Date with Mark and Jill we explore the power of perseverance in marriage!



Talk About It

When have my personal struggles leaked out all over you?
What person in your family modeled perseverance? How did that affect you?

Think About It

Do I ever think of relationships as disposable?
Am I more likely a quitter or a person who perseveres?
Am I able to love someone who is hard to love?

Notes and Quotes

I Cor 13:7–“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

When our spouse is making life difficult for us, we don’t look for a way out.

Disappointment often leads the way to the exit door. This is the damage of unrealistic expectations.

We have to learn to love someone who’s hard to love. (check out Romans 12:9-21)
Here’s a podcast episode on that topic!

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