Reese and VaLisa Palmer are marriage counselors and marriage coaches. They have a passion for helping couples create the marriage they long for. Understanding how childhood affects your marriage is the topic of this conversation that you absolutely have to listen to!
Talk About It
If we had to name our negative pattern that we sometimes get in, what would we call it?
What are some of our “echoes from the past” from each of our childhoods that are affecting our marriage now?
Is there anything from previous generations–generational patterns–that’s affecting our marriage now? (if you identify any, take time to pray together to ask God to stop that with you.)
Think About It
What expectations did I bring into marriage from my family of origin?
Am I the withdrawer or the pursuer?
Where do I need to be more self-aware of how my childhood wounds are covered landmines in our marriage?
Notes and Quotes
Understanding attachment is a game-changer for marriage.
Anxious Attachment = Pursuer
Avoidant Attachment = Withdrawer
Your communication problems go back to when you were 4-years-old!
EFT–Emotionally Focused Therapy (attachment theory therapy)