The God-Tool of Generosity

Selfishness is the great destroyer of marriages. How do we stop selfishness? With generosity! Join Mark and Jill for this short video about a very important God-tool!

Talk About It

Is there anytime where you feel selfishness affects my ability to love and serve you? (When you’re the one asking the question, make sure you respond with “Thank you for that feedback” and nothing else.

In what ways could I be more generous in our marriage?

Think About It

In what scenarios am I aware that selfishness rises up inside of me?

Where in my life and marriage do I need to be more intentional about “dying to self?”

Notes and Quotes

Philemon 1:6 (NLT): “And I am praying that you will put into action the generosity that comes from your faith as you understand and experience all the good things we have in Christ.”


Reese and VaLisa Palmer: Attachment in Marriage

Reese and VaLisa Palmer are marriage counselors and marriage coaches. They have a passion for helping couples create the marriage they long for. Understanding how childhood affects your marriage is the topic of this conversation that you absolutely have to listen to!

Talk About It

If we had to name our negative pattern that we sometimes get in, what would we call it?

What are some of our “echoes from the past” from each of our childhoods that are affecting our marriage now?

Is there anything from previous generations–generational patterns–that’s affecting our marriage now? (if you identify any, take time to pray together to ask God to stop that with you.)

Think About It

What expectations did I bring into marriage from my family of origin?

Am I the withdrawer or the pursuer?

Where do I need to be more self-aware of how my childhood wounds are covered landmines in our marriage?

Notes and Quotes

Understanding attachment is a game-changer for marriage.

Anxious Attachment = Pursuer

Avoidant Attachment = Withdrawer

Your communication problems go back to when you were 4-years-old!

EFT–Emotionally Focused Therapy (attachment theory therapy)

Chuck and Ashley Elliott: When Life Disappoints

How do we handle it as individuals and as a couple when disappointment and grief are our reality? Are we sensitive to each other’s needs? Do we understand the importance of grief? Do we understand that grief happens in times where a “funeral” doesn’t happen?  In this compelling conversation, Jill talks with Chuck and Ashley Elliott about handling grief well together when life disappoints.

Talk About It:

What “used to be’s” do you feel we’ve had in our life?

What is a disappointment or loss you experienced in childhood? How was that emotional pain handled?

What do you need from me when you’re sad, disappointed, or grieving?


Think About It:

What loss have I experienced that I may not thought of as grief?

What unrealized dreams do I have that I’ve buried and never really grieved? Can I have a funeral for this to help me move on?


Notes and Quotes

When we don’t identify grief, it’s hard to move on.

There’s healing that frees you up for whatever could be next.

What does it look like for me to be emotionally available and present for whatever opportunity is next?

Sarah Molitor: Your Words Matter

If there’s one common theme in marriages that struggle, it’s the misuse of our words. In this Dive Deep Interview, Jill talks with Sarah Molitor. Sarah misused her words for many years in her marriage until she was convicted of the damage she had caused. That’s when she made some very necessary changes. We all need the wisdom in this video!

Talk About It

In what way have my words hurt you in our marriage? (Whatever your spouse shares, respond with an apology. I’m sorry for _______________. I understand it has hurt you in this way: ________________________. Will you please forgive me?)

If there is one way I could better use my words to lift you up?  What words of mine would most bring you life?


Think About It

Are there any “band-aids” you’ve used to fix something in your life because of your discontentment?

Is there any way you’re turning to your emotions and feelings rather than to the Lord?

What is going on in my head and my heart that are fueling my damaging words?

Do you need to clean up anything with Lord or with someone else because of the misuse of your words?


Notes and Quotes

What God Says About Our Words: The-Power-of-Our-Words-PDF.pdf

Build your home and build your family right where you are.

Repentance is being grieved over how your actions have affected another person.

Make Requests

Are you hinting, hoping, complaining, commenting, or criticizing? If so, we want you to know there’s a better way to let your spouse know what you need! This Double Date with Mark and Jill will show you the way!

Talk About It

What is your initial thought about using this strategy in our communication?

What fears do you have about making requests?

Is there a request you’d like to make?


Think About It

Did you grow up in a home where making requests wasn’t safe (maybe you had a reactive parent, or your needs simply weren’t thought of or met)?

Can you think of a time in the past week where a direct request might have made a big difference?


Notes and Quotes

I thought I was communicating, but really I was commenting, hoping, or hinting.

When you experience frustration, there’s a request to be made.

Part of a healthy marriage is self-leadership.

Ask yourself, “What do you need?”

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