Aug 31, 2023
If there’s one common theme in marriages that struggle, it’s the misuse of our words. In this Dive Deep Interview, Jill talks with Sarah Molitor. Sarah misused her words for many years in her marriage until she was convicted of the damage she had caused. That’s when she made some very necessary changes. We all need the wisdom in this video!
Talk About It
In what way have my words hurt you in our marriage? (Whatever your spouse shares, respond with an apology. I’m sorry for _______________. I understand it has hurt you in this way: ________________________. Will you please forgive me?)
If there is one way I could better use my words to lift you up? What words of mine would most bring you life?
Think About It
Are there any “band-aids” you’ve used to fix something in your life because of your discontentment?
Is there any way you’re turning to your emotions and feelings rather than to the Lord?
What is going on in my head and my heart that are fueling my damaging words?
Do you need to clean up anything with Lord or with someone else because of the misuse of your words?
Notes and Quotes
What God Says About Our Words:
Build your home and build your family right where you are.
Repentance is being grieved over how your actions have affected another person.
Aug 6, 2023
Is there life after broken trust? Can a marriage thrive after lies and deceit? Bob and Dannah Gresh are living proof that you a marriage can thrive happily even after! This conversation is honest, rich, and filled with wisdom and hope!
Talk About It
What is one takeaway you had from this video?
Am I safe for you to share your deepest, darkest secrets with? If not, what would make me more safe?
It makes me feel safe when you ______________________.
Think About It
Is there anything you’re saying “I can work this out” about that you need to talk to your spouse about and seek help for?
Is there a story you’re telling yourself in your head about your marriage or your spouse that you need to change?
Notes and Quotes
- 70% of women of women whose husband’s use pornography have symptoms of PTSD.
- Many couples don’t have all their secrets shared. Until you’re completely known, you can’t experience full intimacy.
- If there’s a pornography problem in your home, there’s a loneliness problem in the home.
- About 30% of women and 70% of men in the church use pornography.
- Triggers are an invitation from the Holy Spirit to do the next level of work in your life.
Jun 28, 2023
This Dive Deep Interview features a candid conversation about alcohol and the effects it can have on your life. Mark and Jill sit down with Matt and Amy as they share their personal story as it relates to alcohol usage in their own life. They had underestimated how alcohol was affecting their marriage and they have now found freedom from alcohol and enjoy helping others do the same.
Talk About It:
-Amy talked about how she was rationalizing and minimizing her alcohol usage. Is there any habit in your life that you are rationalizing or minimizing?
-How does this interview affect any of the beliefs you have had surrounding alcohol?
Think About It:
-Have I truly learned the power of decision? What thinking patterns in my life do I need to take control of?
-In my life, what substance/activity do I turn to for relaxation and unwinding?
Notes and Quotes:
“Willpower can get you to a certain point but it’s not going to take you for the long haul” -Amy Edwards

Link to Amy’s website:
May 26, 2023
In today’s Deep Dive Interview, Mark and Jill sit down with Shaunti Feldhahn and Dr. Michael Sytsma to discuss their new book, Secrets of Sex and Marriage: 8 Surprises that Make all the Difference. Shaunti is a social researcher with an analytical background, while Dr. Sytsma is an ordained minister, professional counselor, and a sex therapist. Together, with their unique approaches, they have tackled the topic and written this book which gives straight forward, practical advice, delivered with biblical truth.
Talk About It:
Have we allowed the “Hollywood Version” to bring in any unrealistic expectations in our marriage or sex relationship?
What does it take to woo you (get you engaged) even when you’re not hungry for it?
Can we identify what our relationship challenges are that may be hindering sex from happening? i.e. communication issues, energy management, etc.
Think About It:
Jill mentioned the phrase “committing assumicide” (too many assumptions leading to negative results). In what areas do I need to stop committing assumicide in our marriage?
Am I the initiating desire or the receptive desire? What about my spouse? What can I do to better accommodate this?
Notes and Quotes:
Initiating Desire- Feel desire first and do something about it
Receptive Desire- Make a decision to get involved sexually and eventually feelings of desire follow
Dr. Sytsma and Shaunti Feldhahn’s joint platform with free resources:
“Invite, don’t indict” -Jill Savage
“Couples are way closer than what they think they are” -Dr. Michael Sytsma
Apr 17, 2023
Most of the time our marriage relationship starts off with warm, tingly feelings, but those initial feelings eventually wear off. What do you do when the tingly feeling of love is not felt towards your spouse anymore? Love is more than a feeling, it is a choice. In this Dive Deep Interview, Dr. Gary Chapman offers a practical conversation on how we can choose to love our spouse (even when it’s hard) through serving with a Christ-like attitude.
Talk About It:
Take the 5 love languages quiz here, if you haven’t already:
1.What is a gesture of love that would be meaningful to you, specific to your primary language?
2. Tell me about a time in your life when someone served you in love even though it may have been hard for them? How did that make you feel? Did that experience influence you to love?
Think About It:
1. In what area can I stop focusing on the differences and instead just allow my spouse to be who they are?
2. Have I had a heart of servanthood toward my spouse lately?
3. What interruptions in my life could actually be an opportunity to show love?
Notes and Quotes:
“If we choose the attitude of love, God will give us the ability to speak love, even to a spouse that’s not loving us.” -Gary Chapman
3 Question’s that changed Dr. Chapmans marriage:
1. What can I do to help you?
2. How can I make your life easier?
3. How can I be a better spouse?
Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5:5
Link To Dr. Chapmans’ new book Love is A Choice:
The 5 Love Languages:
1. Words of Affirmation
2. Acts of Service
3. Gifts
4. Quality Time
5. Physical Touch